Gilbert & George
SONOFAGOD PICTURES Was Jesus Heterosexual?
20 January – 25 February 2006
20 January – 25 February 2006
White Cube Hoxton Square
‘Lustrous, ornate, pictorially complex, vividly coloured, yet suffused with tenebrous solemnity, the SONOFAGOD PICTURES have all of the dramatic visual impact which one might expect to find in neo-Gothic medievalism – in Victorian reclamations of Celtic or Moorish symbolism, for example, regally bejewelled and portentous with romantic mysticism. At the same time, however, the SONOFAGOD PICTURES possess a darkly graven strangeness, at once archaic and ultra-modern, in which their temper no less than their signage appears deeply contemporary, ritualistic and disturbed’.
- Michael Bracewell
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