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Museum Exhibition

Sarah Morris at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart


21 September 2024 - 9 February 2025


The Kunstmuseum Stuttgart presents ‘All Systems Fail’, a major retrospective dedicated to the work of Sarah Morris. Spanning 30 years of the artist’s groundbreaking work, the exhibition’s title addresses the collective pessimism surrounding culture and progress, the digitisation of human interactions, and political and social structures in the contemporary moment.

‘All Systems Fail’ features over 100 works, including paintings, drawings, film posters, immersive film installations and a new site-specific wall painting. The exhibition was organised by Deichtorhallen Hamburg in collaboration with Kunstmuseum Krefeld, Zentrum Paul Klee and Kunstmuseum Stuttgart.

29 March - 4 August 2024 | Bern, Switzerland

16 March - 14 April 2024 | Hong Kong

26 January - 17 March 2024 | Hong Kong

9 November 2023 | O’Flaherty’s, 44 Avenue A, New York

15 October 2023 - 10 March 2024 | Krefeld, Germany

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